位置 / Location
Location: Weng Mountain
大小 / Size
日期 / Date
时间: 2010 Date: 2010
類別 / Category
修缮纪念;宗族团结 Category: #Restoration Memorial #Clan Unity
內涵 / Implication
一、同: 相同,同一
Yi,Tong: the same
脉: ①血管。②脉搏。③像血管一样连贯而系统的东西。
Mai: ①blood vessel ②pulse ③Something as coherent and systematic as a blood vessel
宗: ①祖宗;祖先。②本源。③宗族。④祭祀。⑤遵奉;尊崇。
Zong: ①The ancestors ②origin ③family ④sacrifice ⑤faithfully obey
A large family with the same origin