
Qin He Feng Qing

位置 / Location

翁山/Weng mountain

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记录/ Recording a story

內涵 / Implication

A.琴鹤风清典出《宋史》:北宋著名的政治家赵抃,宋神宗时,曾任侍御史,因为官清廉,刚正不阿,被时人誉为“铁面御史”。他到四川任职时,仅带了一架琴和一只仙鹤,神宗赞称他是“匹马入蜀,以一琴一鹤自随”。后人就用“琴鹤”来形容人为官清廉。Qin Hefeng Qingdian published “Song History”: Zhao Bian, a well-known politician in the Northern Song Dynasty, served as a servant at the time of Emperor Shenzong in the Song Dynasty. Because of his integrity and integrity, he was hailed as the “Iron-faced Imperial History.” When he came to Sichuan to take office, he brought only a lyre and a crane. Shenzong praised him as “a horse enters Sichuan, with a lyre and a crane.” Later generations used “Qinhe” to describe people as honest and incorruptible.

B.风清,即社会风气清平。 The wind is clear, and the social atmosphere is clear and peaceful.

C.褒奖一位官员的清正廉洁。Praise an official for his integrity

採訪 / Interview
